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Good Reads.

Simple Acts to Save our Planet

January 01, 2020

Treat the environment with kindness with these easy, manageable activities that range from simple home updates, to gardening basics, to supporting the local community. You’ll learn simple techniques to help protect the planet every day, like starting a compost pile to reduce food waste, utilising travel mugs and reusable containers, and choosing eco-friendly products. By working to implement these simple strategies into your everyday life, you can take an active stand to protect the environment now— and make a real difference for the future.

When drinking water becomes a health risk....

March 19, 2018

Since micro-plastics have been found in bottled water, the WHO is now looking into the topic of health risks involved with drinking water from plastic bottles. 

Can we fix our throw-away culture?

March 19, 2018

Are repair cafés able to change our throw away and "ending is better than mending" culture? Well, I reckon it's a holistic issue that requires more than one way to tackle it, but at least it's a start, and let's be real: how cool is it when you can learn how to fix up your own stuff and don't have to pay some other "expert" money to do the job for you or having to throw away your favourite items because you're simply to lazy or broke to do so?

I think it's genius and definitely not a step back in history, but rather referring to the good old values, and seeing that not everything that our grandparents and the generations before them did was completely unnecessary and needed to be reinvented. So I guess it's tool time again...where's my hammer, the ratchet lever and the *insert name of random tool name here, cause I am clearly running out of options....* ?!🛠️📐🗄️

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